Sunday, 16 September 2007

That Bad Tooth

I have decided that an MIA post is appropriate here. To get the Tsunami Warning off the Front page and to let my reader (sic) know that I am not dead yet.
Well the tooth is gone now but not it's effects. Noel, my dentist but we can't show you his face on television,  used his drill today (that is Friday over a week ago) to find out the state of the tooth. With no Anesthetic he ground down through a pre-existing filling into the dentine. No pain! I hardly felt anything at all (rubbing knuckles along the ground for effect), where as I  should of been writhing in complete agony like the wuss I am at the Dentist's. OK only left with  2 choices...

  1. Root canal  therapy on the 4 nerve root stems of this particular tooth, taken over 6-8 months of visits with a fiscal payment to match and yet no guarantee of success can be given.

  2. or
  3. A week of pain and permanent disfigurement having the tooth extracted.

Only 1 of these options has a semi-guaranteed successful outcome (more like a warranty ), the extraction. Except he did quietly mention that the tooth next to it may have dramas, and something else in the way of complications a possible 'dry socket' and all it's associated dramas.
So be it! Begone! I sat in the chair for a bit of  tug-o-war with Noel being held down by the dental nurse with the strength of Hercules and hands as gentle as any mothers.

Now having done "nothing in the way of exertion" for at least 48hours so no riding working ahem!, until Sunday Night, if everything goes as it should, ie no bleeding and no "complications" I hoped by the end of 7days that all would be well. That was yesterday. So the (self-made) prognosis is good! I have managed to get onto the saddle a few times now, usually late in the arvo when it has been cooler and I think might keep the exertion level down! But the HR tends to be higher than usual, up around 150 bpm and peaking up at 177 bpm on my usual training circuit. 

I have still used my time productively though without performing the usual Spring House and Garden tasks make "physical exertion" a hard thing to avoid.  Sitting down programing and TV watching have been of varied interest during the four days of Antibiotics and strong pain relief and suckable non-sticky food.

I will now try to not mention my teeth again until something NEW rears it's ugly head, Ah! the pleasures of getting older something for the youthful reader to look forward too.

"Look after your teeth. You only get one chance!" said my mum when I was young, makes me think I should of listened closer and those quick and frequent overnight and longer short excursions should of always involved taking a bit of paste and a brush in my wallet. Ahhhhh....., past mistakes!