Monday, 17 September 2007

Doing the Circuit - with a twist

Rode the training loop Pottsville via Kanes Road and back today.

I started out riding towards Hastings but looking down I noticed I had left my water bottle at home which I had only just filled, so I turned around at 580 metres and went back inside to get it. As I was going back out through the gate a rider cruised southward past me. I thought here's an opportunity to turn a sole ride into something different.

I slowly chased him down and caught him just before the turf farm hill. We exchanged pleasantries and decided to travel the look to Pottsville together. He, Cameron, on his way home, me  on the first part of the loop.

Rode a just over cruising pace, nice ride. After the Pottsville Forge hill Cameron suggested he show me the way through the Pottsville Environment Center from Sea Breeze estate , avoiding the Pottsville main Road. It comes out just north of the Bowls club over a gravel with crusher dust topped track. Here is where I left Cameron and I rode on. Deviating up onto the Hastings headland to make sure i got the 20kms up then home via Round Mountain Road. I did not see anyone else except Sunday Car drivers along the Coast road.

Ride Stats

  • Distance; 20.06km

  • HR avg: 159 bpm

  • HR max: 178 bpm (cresting Kanes Rd hill - backing off a bit)

  • Avg: 21.9 kph

  • Wind: light NE