Sunday, 2 September 2007

Quick Xircuit

Well I did manage to get in a quick 20k this arvo between the grading and tonight's presentation. The wind was the lightest for any ride I've had in weeks. So different!

And it was also the most I have perspired as well.

Only notables on the ride was the road kills:

2 wallaby's, 1 echidna and 1 ring tail opossum.

I don't know how they keep breeding with so many deaths, the limit must become critical one day and tip them into extinction in this area. Speed kills!

Today, if I had time, it seems I could of had a couple of chats 1 with a bloke on a recumbent-tri and another bloke on a road bike having a rest at the top of the Pottsville forge hill, but as I only had 45mins it was a friendly gid'day and off again.