Monday, 13 August 2007

Walking the Dog

This arvo. after I had finished splitting a few logs for this weeks heating fire, Joy-ann, Kaydee and myself decided to go for a walk down the track with the dogs, (Heath Road on the maps) as the weather was quite warm, about 27c with light NE winds, It usually has too many mozzies and sandflies to stroll amongst the Melaluca, Casurina and Swamp Mahogany bordering the banks of Crysties Creek, but at the end of winter and so much dry weather the insect population is in decline, thankfully for us but maybe not the wildlife.

We spotted a little kingfisher's flashing wings darting along the creek barely clearing the waters surface chasing what insects it could find. A pleasant encounter.
On the return, before the dogs decided to ignore a call to return to us and bounding off, we were surprised by a Sea Eagle, with over 1.5 metre wingspan rise from a branch just 5metres away from us for a higher perch and just sit there turning it's head to watch us as we oo'd and ah'd. It must of been fishing for the occasional mullet bursting out of the tidal water, and trying to avoid the Sunday crowds at Hastings Point.

As the dogs could be gone for a while, chasing down the scents of some old marsupial tracks, the wallaby's and koalas aren't silly enough to be surprised by a couple of bungling house dogs, even though there were a hell of a lot of tracks and droppings around the drying puddles in the swamp along the banks of the creek.

I walked the 1km quickly home to get the MTB so I could attract the dogs back to the track with the noisy promise of a bit of a run beside the bike. Which worked quite well, they heard me return and trotted back panting happily.

So, as it turned out, I got another couple of km of bicycle riding in this afternoon :)


fingers said...

Did a double "walk the dog" today but rode the MTB up and down the various tracks of Heath Road a few times, with Kaydee jogging along contentedly. All up about 7kms (no BC on the MTB)