Thursday, 30 August 2007

The day afteR

Well I suppose it was inevitable. The night after a perfectly clear night we get a cloudy beginning to the Full Lunar Eclipse. After a few hours of watching the moon through light cloud, the clouds dispersed and the totality was viewed in a completely clear sky (Took some shots with the SLR and will post them if they turn out). It was good viewing with a mild night and a few flying foxes screeching in the flowering swamp mahoganies, adding to the effect as we sat chatting in the back yard watching just another astronomical phenomena.

Today's wildlife brushes included a scrub turkey scuttling across the road near the top of Cudgera Creek Road on the way home from a ride and a family of yellow tailed black cockatoos, 12 in all, coming in to roost just across the road in a tree sticking above the canopy before sunset. Quite a noisy affair, the dominant bird seemed to be calling the other members in to roost and these were answering before they flew in.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007


Been busy, work, and storm damage. Also a bit slack during the rainy days when I did have some spare time. Spent a lot of hours with the rake and picking up the wind debris as the dry season is still coming. All the rain has been good to break the drought but the sugar cane fields look even more damaged, after the dry and the frost came the wind and rain, a lot of the crop doesn't look like it will get harvested.

I still rode a few simple 20km loops through potty etc, the short break has been good allowing a stubbed toe to heal etc.

Most of the raking debris

Above is my own creation of a scrub turkeys nest

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Pike-Out while on vigil

After my selfish use of a full day last Friday I thought I should give my family a day so we had a family day last Saturday, run the dogs and Kaydee down the track etc. I also was keeping a close eye on the weather, as the water tank only had 6 inches left (less than a weeks supply before the dregs begin to thicken the water and crap out the tap washers filling the drinking water filters etc), and this is the only house water we have. We do have a ground water spear pump with a continuous supply from the more than +56 meters of fine white sand beneath us. The water is not saline but very acidic, and it's only good use is emergency garden watering and house cleaning. Enough of that.
With the prospect of "some rain" over Sunday. I stayed off the treadly
to make sure any rain we got made it into our tank, the gutters can get blocked at the run off to the tank as well as at the sieve on the top of the tank. If we get a burst of rain after a long dry any and all debris will find its way to these points. The reason: it is next to impossible to completely clean the gutters and the entire surface area of the roof of every single leaf and stick. This problem is most noticeable during the storm season when the rain usually comes with high winds. I did not want to lose a drop of water with the tank being so low, Joy-ann and I had already decided to ring for the delivery of 1000 gallons on the Monday, giving in as it were.

So Sunday was spent going out in the showers removing any build-up of debris as the light rain was falling, it was windy. Joy-ann and Kaydee had gone up the coast to South Tweed. By 3:00pm there was already another 30 cm in the tank, but the rain got heavier and by 10:00pm the tank was ½ filled, I had also managed to get a sack of "dynamic lifter" spread around the fruit trees, so it was a good call to stay home.... or was it.

As it turned out the rain didn't stop overnight and continued throughout Monday, showering on and off. This meant performing the same vigil, during the times I was waiting to clear the gutters I wrote a couple of scripts for this "Wordpress blogger" to allow easier image manipulation, more on that later.

By 4:00pm on Monday 67mm of rain had fallen on the roof and the tank was finally overflowing and it could stop raining now. So I thought I'll be able to ride to my next dentist appointment tomorrow at 10:30am and went to bed for the first time in a month not hoping for rain tomorrow.

How things can change! By the morning the rain had bucketed down all night the wind was building quickly and around 8:00am it was up to 60km with gusts stronger, I wasn't even sure I would be able to make it to Sextons Hill in a car let alone with me as the motor. So I "piked out" on the ride to the dentist and drove, slowly, to the dental surgery. As it was I needed to stop and pull large fallen branches from the road on the way to the freeway and only felt safe driving at 80km/hr on the freeway only the b-double trucks were ignoring the conditions.

Second Windy Day image

If I had ridden my bike I reckon I would of broken my "on the flat speed record" with the tail wind. Unfortunately I might of not been able to turn the crank when I was heading into it's teeth.

Tomorrows another day!

Here is an example of what I was taking about, (thanks Chris for making this beautiful photograph public, it links to your recent crazyguyonabike Scotland tour journal ps:let me know if you want it removed)
Stolen crazyguyonabike Image
Here is the idea of one of the "wordpress plugins": Upload an image from another website and use it to link to that site with a click of a button rather than lots of coding, downloading and uploading etc

The other "wordpress plugin": is used to download dynamic wind data from the BOM and create a graph, upload it and attach it to the post as in the graph above.

Saturday, 18 August 2007

Baby Tooth - my first ever metric ton

Stage 1: Home to Burringbar Servo

Started off with the usual run along Kanes Road through to Cudgera Creek Road. When I reached the end of the asphalt "surprise, surprise" the council had finished its restore of the road, the surface was very smooth gravel all the way up to the top at Wabba Road turnoff, all the loose stones had been rolled into the dampened clay which only two days ago was loose stones and dust. The trip up was a pleasure as there was no need to pick your line or hold your breath after a vehicle has passed, though of course as is usual, no-one went past in either direction on the ascent or the descent. During this part of the ride I realised that I had forgotten to apply any sunscreen before I left. I also had none with me, (Doh! all prepared!) and if I was going to attempt the 100 I was going to need some. So at the Burringbar Servo I popped in and bought the last tube of sunscreen on the shelf at an inflated small rural general store price, (they are selling up to move to Frazier Island), applied it and got back on the bike ready for the Burringbar range

Stage 2: Burringbar Servo to Uki

This was just as easy as the Cudgera Creek assault, though the traffic was quite heavy. I managed to stay away from the granny. The only surprise was the slow descent as the North wind was trying it's best to blow me back over the range to Burringbar. I didn't even need to brake to take the Stokers turnoff!. As it turned out the wind was still a headwind but at a reduced strength through to Uki.

The hill over to Uki seems very mellow, but for me there was a sting in the tail, there seems to be a few false flats and the last kick right at the top meant I was "forced" to drop into my granny gear I had over peddled on the last few rises and had not ridden this road before ( I have driven it quite a few times, though, so I should have not needed an excuse). The wind on the descent meant I did not get to break my "land speed record" only got up to ~65km/hr . I needed water desperately now, the ascent, the sun shining and the very warm north wind was drying me out, so headed to the main street "Uki Cafe", for a bottle of water and coffee, not sure why I got a coffee, maybe for a sit down on a broad seat and rest while I drank it. So I got back on the bike after a 20min coffee break. I am starting to feel that my "but" is getting a little chaffed at this time, even with the new Netti shorts maybe it's the temperature?

Stage3: Uki to Nunderi

Getting back on the Elwood, with a refilled water bottle was no biggie. I then proceeded to peddle straight into the Northerly, luckily the valley is partially protected from it until you reach the sugar cane fields outside Murwillumbah. Glancing at all the weed floating in the river I noticed what i thought was a long neck tortoise on a log sticking out though the water weed choked surface. It needed a second glance to confirm that it was a tortoise after all with a shell about 250mm diameter sunning itself. It's winter hibernation is obviously over. All from at least 60 meters away. Not bad for an old "fella" who needs glasses to see clearly.

This small brush with nature started a few thought steams, one was that I had only noticed (sight and scent) a few cases of road kill so far, much less than I normally see, but that is not to say they were not there! The other thought, "Where were all the magpies?", there had not one swooping incident so far.

Towards the end of this windy leg I started to pine for the hills I had left behind so I decided to take the Clothiers Creek Road/Farrants Hill Road route to Kingscliff to do the small job I had booked in for today, even though it might of made the 100km a little short and so it might require some side tracks to make the distance up. Ah well, worry about that when the time comes and I know more accurately.

Stage 4: Nunderi to Kingscliff

Finally getting through Mur'bah, I travelled down the Tweed Valley Way toward the Condong Sugar mill, once again against the wind after the relief of the little inclines through Mur'bah, the strong smell of the crush being brewed into molasses struck my nostrils quite a distance before I reached the mill, once again because of the constant Northerly. As I travelled up Clothiers Creek Road nature called and I pulled over near the creek and ducked into a cane paddock to relieve myself, need to know information. Here I removed my shoes because my left foot seemed to be cooking and let my toes breath for 10 minutes or so. Then put the socks and shoes on looking for a spot without "farmers friends". Now to hit the Nunderi climb, and near schools out time, I will need to watch out for the "crazy mum's" trying to get home before the kids. A lot of cars on this road today. Also there were quite a lot of dead native animals, more noticeable with their absence on the earlier legs, possums in a pile looked very much like a dumping though. The bandicoot freshly killed as was the echidna.

Made it up to Farrants without the help of granny but did notice the legs were not what they were when I started out this morning.... I hope I will be able to complete the 100km.

The legs became more noticeably weaker as I travelled past Duranbah Primary school, I had free spun when the gear change was a bit sloppy when I dropped down a gear. I lost all power until I reached the crest and as it turned out would never get it back unless I climbed out of the saddle from here on and all the rest of the way to Kingscliff. I hoped I would gain some respite at the job I was to do and grab back some of the my lost hill climbing ability, as there are few hills after Kingscliff and the wind will be from my tail it might just give me the edge to finish the ride.

Stage 5: Kingscliff to Pottsville

Arriving in Kingscliff once again saw me finishing the last of my water bottle which I had refilled at Uki. One of the agents was walking out to pick up his lunch and I asked him if he would bring back a water bottle for me. He said OK! and I passed him the cash and started to perform my tasks. Unusually, I was not perspiring, the wind on what was mainly a descent from the school had dried me out and my mild dehydration was saving everyone around me.

He returned just as I was finishing up and so I decanted the water and prepared to get back on the bike. Swinging my leg over the saddle and placing my but on it was a bit of a shock, the chaffing was very noticeable.

The trip through Salt and Casuarina was very uneventful, although a couple of workers were riding their bikes home from Salt, without helmets and in their work clothes, riding less than a meter away completely ignoring me. I felt a little sad really that they fear human contact with strangers!

Riding into Cabba' was the only traffic incident on the trip. Just past the pedestrian crossing there is a sign indicating that U-Turns are not permitted. A car directly in front of me saw a break in the traffic as they approached the end of the median strip and swung the steering wheel as they applied the brakes to do just that perform a U-Turn. I managed to zig-zag past them but still loudly gasped a four letter expletive that turned a few heads. My HRM went ballistic. No harm done! Just another driver breaking the road laws, what else is new. Edit: I just remember another other scary incident on the ride. Between Uki and Murwillumbah a Hills Transport semi-trailer decided that it could slip past me sharing my lane through a tight 80km/h tight section the blow-by rocked me a bit. Lucky it wasn't a b-double!

As I rode up the last mini hill my legs went rubbery and I had to actually turn flat-on to the incline to get into my granny 1-1 otherwise it would of had to of been a dead stop, which is very reminiscent of a long ago past, luckily I had decided to take the parallel side road over the headland in front of Charlie Ferrick's house. The rest of the trip to the Outlaws was totally uneventful, although I still needed 2.5km to have ridden 100k at Potty (I thought Joy-ann had the Wagon and I doubted after I had had afternoon tea that I would of been able to sit back on the saddle with the sit bones complaining so much when I got off) so I rode around the suburban streets until it ticked over.

Clean-up: Potty to Home.

I was wrong about the car Joy-ann had brought, it was my Matiz so it was back on the bike and weakly pedal the 8km home, with much of it standing off the saddle. All against a weakening North wind and the sun setting behind the hills of Koala Beach for the very much desired hot shower and a huge mug of soda-water with a big squeeze of fresh lemon juice, my favourite drink.

These two images are of the wind during the ride as reported by the BOM

Baby Tooth Route - Winds CoolangattaBaby Tooth Route - Winds Byron

Here is the Route - a plan view and elevationBaby Tooth Route

Distance: 108km and some meters

Duration: 6hours 50mins (including breaks ~60mins)

HR avg: 135

I will possibly update any after effects that might arise.

If you think this is all a little over the top just think back, if you still can, to your first metric ton!

Update: Well Saturday morning showed itself but didn't seem that much different to usual, although, I was a little more thirsty when I awoke and I hadn't need a middle of the night call of nature.

This will hopefully lead to the goal of a 3day bike trip planned to culminate in Copmanhurst to see my father by bicycle, that is, before he dies, he's 87 now and always in and out of Grafton and Lismore hospital. I've sussed out the route on Google Maps and what will be required is a very hilly +90km leg from here through Mur'bah, Uki and possibly Blue Knob on and over to Kyogle, the second leg is a shorter sub 80km flatish ride down to Casino, then the last long 95km of rolling hills leg on the Summerland Way through Whiporie and Junction Hill turning off to Whiteman Creek, a total by car of 250km. This "I CAN ACHIEVE", and with the need for northerly tail winds it must be a Spring Ride, before the temperature in these regions get into the high 30's but after the winter South Westerlies have finished, I think I will need a Camel-Pack for this trip, hopefully for fathers day. I somehow think another 12mths will pass before I am ready! Dang'it!

Friday, 17 August 2007


Today was spent out of the saddle, another dentist visit but an afternoon of working at various locations and picking up my daughter , Kaydee, from her school in Terranora and doing a "mum's taxi" to take her to her karate session at the Tweed Dojo, returning home 3½ hours later (2:30pm-6:00pm).

And do you know what? (Who am I talking to? Dear Diary!) I really missed getting into the saddle today, I was thinking "I could be riding while I'm sitting here" and when there was a delay between appointments of an hour, "I could of a looped Kanes Road! Bloody Work!"... it wasn't to be.

I suppose I could of gone for a night ride to sate my appetite, but the last time I did that it wasn't very successful. As my lighting should be considered Emergency Use Only, a battery powered K-Mart special, better used as a torch when I'm looking for something than to ride along country roads with 4wd Toyota utes returning from work or a few too many after work....


Thursday, 16 August 2007

Strange days!

Today's fill in ride was the usual training loop. There was more to this common ritualistic ride than a cursory glance could show, strange sensations, weird feelings. Upside-down, inside-out, topsy-turvey are just a few of the words that come to mind to describe this ride...
Rounder Loop

The fact that there were dribbles of water on the outside of my safety-glasses, non-drying moisture on my back, a cool wind in my face, eyes wide open instead of half shut against the glare, no-dust or insects, no birds swooping..... all because of a little "precipitation". Yeah-ha! Not much, though, enough to enjoy this "long ago forgotten experience".

I will need to remember the feeling as I ride through those Sunny October and November +33 Celsius days waiting, or is it hoping, for a short sharp storm to bring a temporary relief from the heat and increasing humidity, (I have a friend, I know there is no need to say it! on Towners Road who escapes the summer heat by moving to the NSW South Coast every year for 4-5 months, to his little patch of summer paradise called Potato Point ).

Enjoyed a side trip up to Hastings Headland and also to check on one of my clients, where he proudly showed me his latest surf trip photos from a surf camp in southern Sumatra, Those were the days! (of a past youth with few responsibilities or the increasing present rigours of a life well spent).

OK data time

Avg. HR: 147 (including stops)

Distance: 19.5

Duration: 1:03hrs (including stops)

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Penance Ride

Today I decided "I needed to undergo some self-flagellation and pay for the enjoyment of yesterdays ride", as there was a stiff SE breeze blowing I would do a ride along the exposed freeway. A length of maybe 25km (I thought!), but it turned into just over 40km.

Rode with Joy-ann to the Cabba Post Office, then left her there and rode off along Clothiers Creek Road to the Freeway. As I approached the overpass I sussed out which way the wind was blowing and turned onto the freeway with the wind at my tail, rode at about 39km/h until I reached the northern end of the Tweed Valley Way turnoff, here is where I reversed direction, crossing with the flyover to the other side of the freeway.

Now the penalty begins, I headed off into the headwind all the way to the Pottsville - Cudgera Creek turnoff. Into the wind I managed to keep my speed above 26km/h even though the HR Monitor didn't seem to want to let me into the "Zone", maybe I am getting fitter though I am unable to push any harder against the wind with the equipment I have, I don't know and don't care really!

After the wind push I thought I would reward myself, selfish as it was, by taking Kanes Road rather than the Coastal Bike Path even though the wind on the path would of been a tail wind. I don't understand it, but hills (albeit, little) seem to give me more satisfaction, especially the second and later re-runs.

I was hoping for a bit of rain, even though there was none, the overcast conditions were beautiful. Something I haven't had for a couple of months. The internal furnace was set on low and stayed that way. Even the "but" stayed cool and comfortable.

Anyway what started as a little bit of self inflicted penance turned out to be an enjoyable sojourn. I must do it again, I just need a way of getting all the traffic to piss-off.

A quick edit: We got about 1mm of showers, tonight, before 8:00pm. Not even enough to wet the ground! Hope for more tomorrow???

Monday, 13 August 2007

Spring is really here!

Started today with plan to attack Cudgera Creek Road over and back to do a bit of avoid the wind riding. But as I was beginning the descent into Burringbah I was held up by road works, the road was a slurry of gravel, and I didn't wish to grind my way back up through it and decided to take the Mooball-Pottsville Road which is now called "The Tweed Coast Way" isn't that quaint! It also looks as though the council is extending the tar up towards the summit of Cudgera Creek Road on the South Western side! Ah, more progress we don't need! The Cudgera Creek Mooball Road Map
Why do I say Spring has arrived? Another magpie attack this time along along Kanes Road and a couple of Plovers with a chick just past Wilman Road. I will need to remember this as they will start to swoop now that they are on the move from the nest. Also at home one of the Carpet Pythons has emerged from the roof, done its smelly old rat loaded spring shit from the rafters and is curled up on the same verandah rafters, nice!, which will keeping the dogs amused for a while.

It was a pleasant ride today, not noticing the quite strong sea breeze that had come up. I can say with total honesty that when it's windy I definitely like hills, any hills!

Walking the Dog

This arvo. after I had finished splitting a few logs for this weeks heating fire, Joy-ann, Kaydee and myself decided to go for a walk down the track with the dogs, (Heath Road on the maps) as the weather was quite warm, about 27c with light NE winds, It usually has too many mozzies and sandflies to stroll amongst the Melaluca, Casurina and Swamp Mahogany bordering the banks of Crysties Creek, but at the end of winter and so much dry weather the insect population is in decline, thankfully for us but maybe not the wildlife.

We spotted a little kingfisher's flashing wings darting along the creek barely clearing the waters surface chasing what insects it could find. A pleasant encounter.
On the return, before the dogs decided to ignore a call to return to us and bounding off, we were surprised by a Sea Eagle, with over 1.5 metre wingspan rise from a branch just 5metres away from us for a higher perch and just sit there turning it's head to watch us as we oo'd and ah'd. It must of been fishing for the occasional mullet bursting out of the tidal water, and trying to avoid the Sunday crowds at Hastings Point.

As the dogs could be gone for a while, chasing down the scents of some old marsupial tracks, the wallaby's and koalas aren't silly enough to be surprised by a couple of bungling house dogs, even though there were a hell of a lot of tracks and droppings around the drying puddles in the swamp along the banks of the creek.

I walked the 1km quickly home to get the MTB so I could attract the dogs back to the track with the noisy promise of a bit of a run beside the bike. Which worked quite well, they heard me return and trotted back panting happily.

So, as it turned out, I got another couple of km of bicycle riding in this afternoon :)

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Sunday Lunch with the Outlaws

Did a quick ride round Kanes Rd to Pottsville Waters for a "Sunday Roast" with the outlaws. After a quick dinner got back on the bike for a time trial sprint home along the Pottsville ---> Hastings Point Bike Path, after Koala Beach intersection up to the Service Station I don't mind the path as it is bitumen which lacks the bump, bump, bump, bump of the badly constructed concrete elsewhere, thankfully!

Then along Round Mountain Road where near the Sewerage Works a couple of magpies started a staffing run. I think my Ice-cream bucket type helmet kept them a couple of meters above my head.

It's rather strange behaviour because we have, for a good 15 years, had magpies nesting in trees on our property and the only creatures/things they have dive bombed have been the pet dogs not people on the road, on the mower, on bikes etc...

Why is it so? I do not know! Maybe it's because nobody but the dogs attempt to cause them any harm. No rocks or sticks thrown at them no yelling etc...

Distance: 24km (mostly cruising)

Slow trip to the Tweed Dojo

Today I set out a bit after 10:00am. along Round Mountain Road still not having made a decision as to the route I would take to get to the Ryukyu-kai Tweed Dojo as my daughter was training for her Junior Sandan-Ho today. A decision would be made as I peddled towards the freeway, the wind, the traffic and my general feeling of well-being. If all things fell the right way up I would Take the Not so Short way or else the Freeway (flat and boring but quickly over).

OK to cut a long story short I went via Reserve Creek Road over the Range all the way to Mur'bah then along Tweed Valley Way to Tumbulgum, (thankfully the wind stayed mellow, but I was glad I had applied the Sunscreen before I left!) then over the bridge and up the hill to Terranora, during the ascent an old couple in a toyota 4wd pulled up along side as I was still grinding out the ascent and decided to ask some questions, no hello or anything just something started like do you know if such and such lives around ... I cut her off with a panted sorry I can't talk right now! Sorry my foot! my heart rate was at 162 and my legs were not screaming but I sure didn't need to answer some inane question at the time. Any way it made me smile at their total misreading of the situation, any other time they would of been the 4wd that sqeezes past on my side of the road between the double undivided lines and me, just so they don't break the one law that they do know. After reaching the top I was overtaken by two road racers, one of which had the courtesy to say gid'day the other just seemed to enjoy the thought they were travelling faster than someone else, albiet downhill and the bike they were overtaking had a lower top speed, nothing to do with the rider, just the way it is when comparing a Hybrid and a Road bike,  I enjoy my riding even though I watch others dissapear into the distance after they have passed by more energy in less time == what I want out of bicycle riding not how far I can say I have gone in the shortest time, if that's what I was after I would get a motor bike.

Refocus!!!! After reaching the top of Terranora Road and started the descent towards Sextons Hill around the SS's, as the locals call them, I turned off onto Frazier Drive thn at the bottom turning onto Liesure Drive until I reached Greenway drive and onto the the dojo. A total trip distance of just over 43km.

Getting to the Dojo the Hard Way

So this weeks cumulative km: 245km

Friday, 10 August 2007


Did a loop of Round Mountain road Kanes road Reserve Creek road back onto Round Mountain road and along Kanes road again onto Cudgera Creek road down to Pottsville and through to Black Rocks and back up the coast road to Hastings point, where I bought a sympathy card. On the ride I had received a phone call with some sad news. One of my oldest friends father passed away this week, his funeral will be on Monday next week. Hence the card. Then at the Hastings Point Top Shop I got a call from Cabba professionals Real estate about the backup not working. So then I rode up to Cabba and fixed their drama. Then it was a coast home with the wind behind me until I got home. A trip of 42km all up. Thus my week so far even with yesterday off the saddle is 202km and still 2 days to go.

Riding to my HR is rather annoying at times, sometimes I want to go slower and some others I feel like pushing harder but that infernal beep beep beep beep beep.... when you step outside the Zone!!!

Rounder Loop

Used a Brush Hook today

Today I decided to do a bit of pre-spring land maintenance instead of getting on the treadly.

I Sharpened the old brush hook and got stuck into a patch of lantana which was starting to encroach onto the lawns from it's imprisonment underneath a Sally Wattle which had been killed by the Country energy line clearing crew early last year, and had begun to slide towards its inevitable horizontal resting place.

It took about 4hours to slash it and dig out the roots. Then collect all the waste into 3 big trailer loads to clean it up. Some work still to do but it felt good to get back to a bit of hands on hard work again after so many years. An look ma no blisters but heaps of scratches!

Now the old sally wattle will be able to fall into the clearing and I will then be able to cut it up for next years fire wood with a lot less effort!

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Kings Forest Discovery

Rode to the Post Office at Bogangar with Joy-ann. Then up the Bike Path to Casurina and along the Coast Road to Depot Road then along to the end where the Gate was open and unlocked so I couldn't read the "Trespassers will be Prosecuted" sign continued in the general direction of Duranbah Road which I had seen previously on the maps...

Then along Eviron through to Nunderie via Norths Lane over to the Freeway and down to Cudgera Creek Road Kanes Road and home along Round Mountain Rd.


took a while longer than usual ~3hrs

Cumulative this week: 160km

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Dentist Trip

A 44km round trip to Noel Allen's "The Dentist on top of Sextons Hill".

Again with the bloody wind! It seemed to be a solid wall coming toward me along the freeway though not as strong as previous days, Oh, Well! 1hr and 5mins to do the 21km, I didn't want to be too sweaty for the chair so arrived 10mins early, but went in straight away, Noel turned the fan on, thankfully! (as much for his benefit as mine). On the way home via the coast route I stopped for lunch at the 'Saltbar' with Joy-ann who was on her way home from Tweed City and her dentist visit just before my appointment. But as usual something had to go wrong - they were doing renovations so settled for a shared toasted avocado, chicken and tomato sandwich with a cup of coffee.

Then home before the anaesthetic wore off!!!! Ouch!

Round trip: 44.5km

Trip time: 1hr 52mins

Avg. HR: 137 beats/minute

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


Da Ride!

Todays ride was a test of the new shorts but also turned into a test of mental stamina, friggin' wind! I rode to Kingscliff up Clothiers creek road hill onto Farrants Road and Eviron Road Duranbah Road Cudgen Road into Turnock Street around to the freeway via Marine Parade and along the freeway to Pottsville exit non stop peddling bloody wind! Then rode west along Cudgera Creek Road for a few km(not shown on the map) and then back to Reserve Creek Road onto Kanes Road , towards the end of which a couple of guys on new MTB's flashed past without so much as a hello, but I caught them on the last uphill to Round Mountain Road without even trying, I still ride to my Heart Rate Monitor (if it ain't above 160beats/min, keep peddling!) I'm not in a competition with some wankers and I cruised home to my place ahead of them anyway!

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Damaged Rubber

Well today's ride was a little tentative. With the tyre needing to be pumped again this morning, maybe a slow leak from a bad puncture repair? Also after yesterdays complaining bum!!

I decided to go around 30km using in and out short stints from the standard training route. To keep it simple, set off and rode through to Pottsville and down to Black Rocks and then along the quarry access road as far as the gate and then it happened. I noticed that the stones of the gravel road were starting to touch the rim of the rear wheel with light thuds. I rang Joy-ann and said I will need a lift as I had no repair kit or pump with me (I know!) . After the call i started to peddle along the Coast rode hoping I would get at least to the bridge before the tyre bottomed out, not to be, I got to about 1.5km and had to walk it to the community hall and wait for my ride to arrive.

This arvo back to the LBS and get a new tube and yes the shorts were in! Later I went for a dog run down Heath Street on the MTB and yes it felt much better! Sigh!Sigh!!!!!

All up todays ride was only about 21km with a 2km walk at the end.....

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Over the Hill to Loders Road

General Information

This Ride was started with the wrong attitude. I'll go for the ride to do some work at the half way point. Ready to get on the Bike and swelch scwelch as I was wheelinf it through the garage. The rear was Flat must of been yesterdays ride over cudgera Creek Road gravel. Well it was a good opportunity to change the rear tyre as well. The first flat of the year, first in 6000 kms. Fixed and pumped to 75psi, but, I was behind schedule already, I don't like this riding with restrictions! So I went the easy way to start, but it turned out very much harder with a strong headwind and high winter temperature of 29C.

Anyway the temperature produced perspiration and that created chaffed sit bone area. later to cause powerful pain (can't wait for the shorts to arrive).

Start along round Mountain rd through Cabba. onto the Bike path up through Casuarina and Salt Developments (the in-between section looks as though will become another barren section, the wood chippers are working constantly.) then around the foreshore to Marine Parade. At Turnock Street I did an hours PC work at Professionals. This took an hour, but the perspiration continued. At the LBS next to the real estate's I bought some new foam helmet spacers, the old ones were rotting with age and use.

Then when I got back on the bike the wind was even stronger but had shifted a little to the WNW so once again it was a head wind. By the time I started to ride Southwards the wind had shifted in the Tweed Valley to the West and was a strong Cross wind which felt like a head wind and the chaffing was becoming noticeable over the course blue metal topping of the Tweed Valley Way to Duranbah Road. after going past tropical fruit world my bum was starting to try to tell my brain what I should be doing. like not take that route go the short way go the short way, in fact all the way back to Bogangar it was like the donkey in Shrek 2, "are we there yet!". Any way got home and was glad to be home. The weather report says the temperature should return to "NORMAL" after today

Loders Route Map

Specific Information

Avg HR: 143 b/m

Avg Speed: 16km/hr

Fun Factor: low.

Distance: 55.5km

5 Days Cumulative: 167.4km

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Cudgera Creek Road Double Up

The ride today was in beautiful Winter weather NNW lightly blowing, temperature in the low to mid 20C's. Anyway to cut a long story short it was Home to Kanes Rd then to Reserve Creek Rd onto Cudgera Creek Rd for the climb to Burringbah and Back along the same route Home. Cudgera Creek Road Double Up

HR avg: 143

Speed avg: 21km/h

Time: 2hrs, I stopped to talk to Pam Johansen on Cabbage Gum Rd about accessing the Forest, and finally I am allowed some access... she thinks it will come out on Charltons Rd off Reserve Creek Rd or Blacks Lane in Palmvale

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Cabba Shops Cruise

A cruisy jaunt to the Cabba Post Office with the wife.

Length less than 9km. and no time limit ie ~45mins.