Friday, 19 September 2008

Parking Drama

Well today sees the first block to commuting, lack of bicycle storage facilities at the workplace. Out of a staff of approx. 60, there are only 3-4 bicycle commuters (none of these ride everyday). There is a semi-secure car-park provided for those who wish to drive, many car-pool, but only outside bike racks open to the general population of the school for those that wish to ride to and from work.

That location is open to easy abuse. The work location is inside a "fairly tough" high school where some students would enjoy using any easy anonymous opportunity to upset a staff member, through any combination of misplaced humour, malice, spite or more likely just some thoughtless prank such as letting down tyres (which often happens to the few students who brave riding to school).

Up until today 2 staff members, including myself when I am called in, have been using a small lockable store room to park the bikes out of harms way. But today a fellow non-riding, and has said never would, staff member made a complaint at the location. In their favour it IS an OH&S issue in that location we have been sort of (un)officialy allowed to use for the past term. As with any group the decision of an alternative location was not successfully determined. I also don't have any sway in the decision, but one of the locations offered was an abandoned lockable Male Staff Toilet. Which, as I understand it, will be soon pressed into active service. I could see that it would once again soon become another contentious location, not to say insecure with the door being left unlocked Accidentally and the entrance completely hidden from any easy casual observation.

Another offered location seems to be Nearly Perfect, to me anyway, with the space to hang 10 or more bicycles with locker space, access to a male shower. This location is only accessed by one other person in the school and that is only occasionally. But this was argued to be too far to walk in bike gear in public by the majority vote user? I could not understand why? The area allows changing into work clothing, isolated storage of summers sweaty riding kit, showering, overnight storage if required and even a ramp for access!

At this time it looks as though it will become one of those situations where workplace politics will cause angst, division and ultimately become the reason to stop all work commuting by this little black duck.

 At this time I will try to take up the second offer, that is if I can get access to the storage area (if I am the only rider it might be overruled) but even if I do I am unsure about whether it is worth the effort to put in a hanging rack and locker, screen the barred windows for both Security and Vanity reasons, if it is just a short term solution.

Don't I just love workplace politics! I do understand the workplace is for students first and foremost, but I see the simple example of someone commuting by bicycle for no other reason than they enjoy it to be a good one for the whole student population and should be supported!