Monday, 22 September 2008

Interested in Yehuda Moon?

Yehuda Moon Comics at the Kickstand

There is a podcast available of a radio interview with the Creator/Writer/Cartoonist Rick Smith. If you are interested the URL is from "the kim west radio cycling show"

rick smith...yehuda moon...joe...fred...thistle...fizz...the shakers...the bike ninjas...the grail...and all the readers. sunday, september 21, 600 to 700pm, central daylight time.


Update: the download is 52mb be forewarned!
Dont have Podcast Software? Try podcast software link at 

If you are interested I use Juice for my Podcast needs, getting ABC etc downloads automatically to listen to/watch at my leisure, derrr!

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Brunswick Social Ride - Byron Shire BUG

After doin' a Google about Bike Week NSW  I came upon only one fairly local location that seems to be doing something about it, I found nothing available in the Tweed Shire. I've read details of routes and timetable available at both and

I have phoned and registered myself for the "BIKES TO BRUNS" - Sunday September 28th. Just to see what an organised ride is like, Organised by BSBUG with the Brunswick Chamber of Commerce.
Planning is well advanced,  they still require more ride leaders for this fun event - please contact NickBowden on 0427 620 711 or MikeWall can be contacted for registrations and Information regarding the Billinudgel - Route (4) on 0413779223

Route #4 8:45am, Departs the Pocket via Ocean Shores (16km) but riders, I have been informed, can join at various stages along the Route, registering early will reduce unnecessary enroute delays. They invisage the ride to be SLOW paced as there will be riders of all ages and abilities! For anyone interested....

Route #4 Start -> Pocket, Billinudgel, South Golden Beach, New Brighton, Ocean Shores, Bruns; Total Distance of 16km (there is a hill! ie getting through Ocean Shores to the Brunswick River Bridge, with the Estimated Times of...

8:45am   - Junction Pocket Road & Middle Pocket Road
9:00am   - Billinudgel Shop
9:20am   - South Golden Beach Shop
9:30am   - New Brighton Shop
9:40am   - Ocean Shores Shopping Centre
10:00am - Brunswick Heads

Therefore an avg speed of ~12km/hr

You will need to make your own way home.Remembering that if you ride the Wooyung <--> Golden Beach Track you will probably have to contend with the head wind the whole way home along the Wooyung to Pottsville Coast Road! Be forewarned and take plenty of water!

I might be riding my ElwooodSE 2007 for the last time as my main bike before I get my 2009 Cypress, Hopefully!! But might consider riding the old Royce Union depends on the wind and if I feel like a low tide Beach ride on the way home. But 16kms along the beach exposed to a howling North Easterly would not be fun! Nor would it be good for the bike!

Friday, 19 September 2008

NSW Bike Week 2008

Just a reminder that next week is Bike Week in NSW

[caption id="attachment_269" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Bike Week 2008"]Bike Week 2008[/caption]

ie 20th - 28th September

Cycleways of the Tweed Shire - Submission


I wrote a little submission to TSC via the LINK, which may or may not be published so I will post it here as well....
Where do I start? I commute by bicycle as well as ride for pleasure or you might say leisure. Riding to the south, west or northerly directions on many streets and roads, both gravel and sealed, from the Tweed Coast area. Nowhere in the shire, where I do manage to ride my bike, is there evidence that bicycles are considered as more than a toy in the design of local bike paths, the dinky little signs at road crossings are amusing rather than any form of informative traffic signage for users.
Many other examples of to the irrelevance bike riding and it not being recognised as an alternative form of transport in the Shire are many…

Beside the football fields of Bogangar the bike path becomes a clean and dry viewing area for whole groups of families to watch the little tackers play there games and thus an obstacle course during these occasions. What say you, get off and walk? Gee I’d like to see the shire say that drivers should get out and push their cars through certain streets!

Most Tweed Coast bike paths seem to be designed first as pedestrian paths that are widened where conditions make it easy. Many residents would say they are there so use them, Why when the trip from South Tweed to my home is 6 kilometres longer if I take the bike path and possibly more dangerous when pedestrians are included in the mix than the freeway! Now that’s scary to think!. That said the verges of many other roads are strewn with loose gravel and/or broken glass. Many of these same roads when they are resealed are left with 50mm plus ridges splitting in half the verge area safe to ride in such as the Coast Road through the new developments of the Tweed Coast.

During recent road works outside the Kingscliff Library the bike path has been cut. The bike path, used by lots of students daily, had no temporary location during the works and riders were forced to line up with the cars and trucks, unlike the Cudgen Creek Bridge, thankyou.

The foot/bike-path along Marine Parade in Kingscliff has misleading signs stating that riders should use the Dedicated Path. It is not dedicated but only designated! Pedestrians still have right of way car doors still open onto the path! 

I could go on and on… but I will end with a question, Why not provide areas in residential locations, such as for example Casuarina, where cars should be the ones made to give way to both pedestrians and cyclists? This is shown to work. Warringah Shire in Sydney has areas around Narrabeen where this is implemented and working! There is then no need to provide and maintain pathways in these locations.

Most people that would read this might say what a whinger, and they are intitled to say it, that is their opinion. I have presented this because you encouraged comment.
I know it will fall on deaf ears and that decisions are made to appease the majority.

I will see if they let it through the moderation and update this post if they do..... OK today the Moderators have published the comment, the link above will take you to the TSC webpage to post your own comments if you so wish.

their site says "

Have Your Say

Only constructive or appropriate comments will be placed on this page. Please note that the comments posted on this page are not necessarily supported by Tweed Shire Council or Council officers."

Parking Drama

Well today sees the first block to commuting, lack of bicycle storage facilities at the workplace. Out of a staff of approx. 60, there are only 3-4 bicycle commuters (none of these ride everyday). There is a semi-secure car-park provided for those who wish to drive, many car-pool, but only outside bike racks open to the general population of the school for those that wish to ride to and from work.

That location is open to easy abuse. The work location is inside a "fairly tough" high school where some students would enjoy using any easy anonymous opportunity to upset a staff member, through any combination of misplaced humour, malice, spite or more likely just some thoughtless prank such as letting down tyres (which often happens to the few students who brave riding to school).

Up until today 2 staff members, including myself when I am called in, have been using a small lockable store room to park the bikes out of harms way. But today a fellow non-riding, and has said never would, staff member made a complaint at the location. In their favour it IS an OH&S issue in that location we have been sort of (un)officialy allowed to use for the past term. As with any group the decision of an alternative location was not successfully determined. I also don't have any sway in the decision, but one of the locations offered was an abandoned lockable Male Staff Toilet. Which, as I understand it, will be soon pressed into active service. I could see that it would once again soon become another contentious location, not to say insecure with the door being left unlocked Accidentally and the entrance completely hidden from any easy casual observation.

Another offered location seems to be Nearly Perfect, to me anyway, with the space to hang 10 or more bicycles with locker space, access to a male shower. This location is only accessed by one other person in the school and that is only occasionally. But this was argued to be too far to walk in bike gear in public by the majority vote user? I could not understand why? The area allows changing into work clothing, isolated storage of summers sweaty riding kit, showering, overnight storage if required and even a ramp for access!

At this time it looks as though it will become one of those situations where workplace politics will cause angst, division and ultimately become the reason to stop all work commuting by this little black duck.

 At this time I will try to take up the second offer, that is if I can get access to the storage area (if I am the only rider it might be overruled) but even if I do I am unsure about whether it is worth the effort to put in a hanging rack and locker, screen the barred windows for both Security and Vanity reasons, if it is just a short term solution.

Don't I just love workplace politics! I do understand the workplace is for students first and foremost, but I see the simple example of someone commuting by bicycle for no other reason than they enjoy it to be a good one for the whole student population and should be supported!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Strange Light

During yesterday's ride ChrisL and myself were chatting about Wireless Computers and how sometimes they go wacko for no apparent reason. We decided it must be some form of interference. Last night in the early twilight I was traveling on a quiet country gravel road and decided to turn on the strobe of the LED headlight. There being enough light and time to ponder, I noticed the speed indicator start to jump around rising up to 35 kms/hr and at the time I knew I was riding at about 9 kms/hr.

So lets do a test. Switch the light off and the speed goes back to normal. Turn the light on solid and there is no change. Switch to strobe and the speed goes wacko again.

I Repeated the test numerous times with the same results every-time. So if you want to cheat on your stats to yourself just switch on the strobe during a ride. Your average speed will be amazing and the distance you ride will be phenomenal.

Monday, 15 September 2008

Hells Hole Continued and some...

Getting there

OK let's see... After cruising up Cudgera Creek hitting the summit at 180 meters we coasted down to the Burringbar Service Station, I was cautious after having taken a corner very wide on a small descent on Kanes Road and nearly losing it before the ride had even gone 5 kms.  We then rode on to Mooball, ChrisL taking a comfort stop and me continuing, both of us knowing full well he would catch me on the next big rise, which he did and passed me to wait at the bottom. A repeat we would see throughout the ride, sorry Chris...

We took the stock road via the tunnel under the freeway bypassing Billinudgel proper, the second stretch of gravel and a new road for me. We were then on the Pocket Road a few kms of comparative flat before the climb and following decent into Main Arm, where ChrisL was once again waiting... Here I needed to get off the bike and de-numbing? my feet getting the circulation back. So sat by the side of the road and got some stretching in, for 10mins. Now across the undulations gradually climbing the last of the sealed road before the climb ChrisL had warned me about ok he said to ride like a slug just hang on and suck.

It was heavy going but I still felt good being out of the North Easterly, and managed to grind up towards the Manns Road intersection. Here google lets you down completely. Main Arm Road shows no sign of changing or you needing to turn off onto the Skyline Ridge Firetrail, Main Arm Road at street level just continues on until you reach the "T" intersection of Main Arm Road, Manns Road and Middle Ridge Road. I didn't make it! My forward speed dropped to 3 kms/hr and I basically stopped any forward movement!  I got off and began walking, after 100 meters the steep pinch reduced and I again managed to climb back into the saddle and get going again at 6 kms/hr.

At the top ChrisL was once again patiently waiting at the intersection only this time he had some company. A four day mountain bike riding Gold Coast High School excursion was congregating at the intersection. They were at the middle point of their third day between the Gold Coast and Lennox Head and were heading toward Mullum', with two four wheel drive support vehicles and trailers stacked with camping etc equipment.

Now ChrisL informed me that the next climb was to be incredibly steep, he had warned me previously! Little was I too realise just how steep. He had climbed it with a full touring load only weeks before so I was going to give it a go even though my weight equalled his combined with his touring load! the very first stage is a little cruel, it's mildly downhill for a short distance then bang! it just starts climbing. Being in the dense forest you have no way of seeing the summit but these same trees gave great cover from the strong Spring sunshine! This was to be a very short ride! I only made it about 200 meters into the climb and my legs gave out, and had to push the bike the rest of the way to the very summit! The gradient of Middle Ridge Road was way, way, way steeper than the previous climbing section on Main Arm Road, to the point where my feet were slipping slightly on the loose gravel as I walked and pushed the kilometer up the hill! ChrisL said later that he made it with surprising ease. I jokingly suggested it might of been because of all the enforced rest stops he had been having!

ChrisL was waiting at the next intersection, (this time I think the waiting was not so patiently, too much stand around time previously and our destination was so close, maybe?). OK here I definitely needed a rest, even though ChrisL was very eager to be off with me having finally arrived. I crouched with my head between my knees for a bit to try and get rid of my dizziness and had a nut and fruit energy bar. After about 5 minutes we were able to get back on the bikes and begin the short descent along the now named road/fire trail Middle Ridge Fire Trail, which was according to Google just the continuation of Middle Ridge Road, so a new mystery arises where does the, not recognised by Google, rest of Middle Ridge Road go?

ChrisL stopped us at an intersection and asked me where now? as there was no street signs of any sort! He said he had ridden down to the left and it was a dead end! Straight on was a creek but no falls at either end. I had left my map at home, error #1, I thought I would ring home and ask them to read it to me, error #2 even though there was mobile phone reception. Error #3 was not realising that all the roads had been given new names and Google didn't know much about anything here but still bullshited something close!

Anyway I managed to waste a good 30 minutes trying to solve the mystery. In the end ChrisL and myself felt it would be best to cover some ground he had not ridden previously to see if we could get through to our final destination.

As luck would have it, just as we mounted our bikes, along came a couple of bush walkers from Mullumbimby. I asked if they knew the way to Hells Hole and guess what?, that's were they were going!!!! Anyway it was to the left off the Middle Ridge Firetrail. So ride the descent along the gravel through the lush rain-forest of palms, vines, old trees covered by moss and lichens and the superb quiet!

We arrived at the bridge at the bottom and my memories flooded back. We had made it! Now it was a short walk to the right along the slowly flowing creek bed to the falls. The only change in 34 years was that the jumping tree spanning the pools was now collapsed into the creek with the roots end still high up the valley side. At least it might save someone having an accident jumping into the water filled pool below it. I did it when I was young but now that I am old and stupid I have different ideas!. The quite sounds of the small flow of water falling over the first stage of the falls was what entertained us while I soaked my feet and eat my sandwiches. The View out over the falls was stunning with the steep sides of the valley framing it on both sides! 

The return Trip

OK at 1:30pm we thought we should begin the return journey, back through UKI via Manns Road. The start was to be a walk/push on again off again ride back to the Middle Ridge Fire Trail, for me mostly walk and Push, for ChrisL mostly ride but still some walk/push. Along the Middle Ridge Fire Trail it was all ride, albeit slowly at times to the end of the trail and then the screaming descent down the loose gravel of Middle Ridge Road. Thank goodness for dry working brakes!

At Manns Road ChrisL gave me a precis of the road ahead, which I managed to ride all but for about 100 meters, my legs were sapped of all but the basic energy needs! Then it was the next fast descent over the gravel toward Uki and back onto sealed Roads. At Uki we were to part company. Again we had some luck the Uki Cafe was still just open, moments after we ordered they took the sign down! I said to ChrisL I was going to have a very sweet coffee for the sugar hit, I thought I was going to need it for the yet to come 35kms with 400 meters of climbing I still needed to do to get home.  We sat together having our drinks.

My three hills combined were about the same height as the single hill ChrisL was yet to climb on his way home through Mur'bah to the Gold Coast.

I made it to the base of the Smiths Road hill and only managed to get about 1/3 the way before the legs gave out. Not a good sign for the two hills to come. Anyway the walk was pleasant to the summit. The good news after that walk is that there was only slow riding to come. Making my way over the small Stokers Road hill to the Tweed Valley Way, climbed to the top of the Burringbah Range screamed down the descent into Burringbah, turned onto Cudgera Creek Road and the now seemingly very long grind up to Wabba Road and then down again toward the turn off to Kanes Road and home along very familiar roads. 

At the start of the descent into Cudgera Creek Valley it started to spit with rain and the sun was starting to set. So on came the lights but the rain was soothing to the skin rather than any form of annoyance.

All up for me it was a journey to be sure, but a very invigorating and personal limit stretching experience. I hope that my inabilities did not detract from the overall experience for ChrisL and that he made it home easily without the burden to slow his journey further.

Bring on the next one I say, but maybe ChrisL might just have second thoughts taking on the roll of riding partner in the future!


Ride length: 100kms (including walking and pushing)

Elevation Climbed: 1500 meters  (including walking and pushing)

Duration: 11 hours  (including rest stops, lunch and coffee breaks)

Hells Hole Visited

As arranged ChrisL and myself met at my place and set off on the Journey. I left my map at home, more on that later. All up the trip for me was just on 100kms For chris I think it would be closer to 180kms. And my elevation Climbed was close on 1500 meters, though not all ridden there was a bit of push/walk when the gradient got too much for this heavy old bloke.

The route was to include two traverses of Cudgera Creek Road one from each direction. We set off southwards along the Tweed Valley Way to Billinudgel, onto Main Arm and the climbs proper. All the climbs were effected with ChrisL being held at the top waiting for me to catch up.....


more later it's been a big day. leaving at 7am and getting off the bike at home, arriving there at 6pm

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Bloody Telstra

Ever Since Thursday Afternoon when the Whole of Tweed and the Tweed Coast has been having trouble with their ADSL connections the internet has become unreliable with flaky connections. I have done a couple of onsite service calls. Heard anicdotal evidence and been suffering with the same up/down close up/down yo-yo connection status with the speed nearly halved. When you get on to the tech departments it is always YOUR fault and there is nothing wrong reported at the exchange! Well I am reporting it F#$% they would appear to be a facist corporation. You are guilty we could never be doing anything wrong and so innocent. We will never admit there is a problem, you must have faulty equipment that just happens to work reliably for days and days and then everybodys stuff just breaks at the same time it wasnt us so it must be you. Now Do this basic troubleshooting crap then repeat it 4 or 5 times because thats all we are trained to say!

What? you were expecting a service that you paid us to deliver, na we are allowed to say we provide a service but deliver whatever we feel like, and to keep your complaints falling on deaf ears we employ people in other countries to answer you complaints, we never get to hear them! So we have nothing to deal with,  ipso-facto It's just like the big banks. go somewhere else if you don't like the service! or lack of! We are in the business of making a profit for what was once a public utility company and so F@#& YOU... we no longer are required to serve the community that paid for our creation and development with your taxes. just the shareholders need service and only if they have enough shares to be able to make a noise if they decide to sell! Bring on the bonus for the directors they are doing such a great job give them some more OK

Glad I've got that off my chest, as thats all I can do just hollow blow hard noise.

I was told on thursday after being on the phone for service support that I would have to pay for a tech to come and see what the problem was if it wasn't their fault

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

A wedding and so much more

September round up.

Possible trip to Hell's Hole on the 7th or 14th, yet to be confirmed and finalised.

Disbandment of the hopeful ride to Grafton for Fathers Day 2008.

Jeff from Cabarita Cycles is sick with the flu again, as is one of my both riding partners Mark and Mark.

I should be picking up my newly ordered black Giant Cypress (19" frame 2009 model)  Hybrid, from Cabarita bike shop in three weeks when they are going to be released by Giant in Australia.  A good bit of luck that I didn't win the bid I made on the 2008 Elwood SE, for only $200 more I'm getting a much better bike with all the services of a local bike shop, and no dodgy history tied to it.

Aside: Jeff and Lyndall are getting married on Sunday at the Hastings Point Headland. Should be good weather but maybe a little windy!

And hopefully complete the restore of the old steel frame dropbar road bike for commuting.

Anyway I'll get on my bike and cruise to work now, as this morning the NSW Teachers Federation is having a 2 hour stop work meeting so I can arrive a little later than usual this morning, yeah.

Monday, 1 September 2008

It's Raining?

Well the event I was hoping for all weekend is here it's raining. Hopefully enough to put soome water in the tank. We were getting a bit light on in this department... winter is done and it's weather has gone this bit of rain probably wont tide us over til the storm season though! I feel this will be a buy wter year, even after the excess of Autumn and early Winter. 


I didn't waste the time during the weekend. I played. I swapped two old 27" alloy road rims from crappy wheels with old rusty chromed steel spokes and rusty chromed steel hubs to better alloy hubs (really old Shimano600's I found in the last council throw-out) with stainless spokes. I even managed to, very clumsily, true the front wheel, basically dish and true the rear. Strip an old dura-ace 5 speed cluster from a old hub I had lying around, Why? just to see how it was put totether. It ain't ever going back together. To remove the cluster I had to crack and then split the internal screw-on hardened steel in the vice, there was no way I could unscrew it it was just too tight/corroded. I was surprised by the amount of tempering it had been given and just how brittle it was.

I now have the 2 wheels ready to finish, rear with a 6 cog cluster, the Shimano600 crank is inplace but will still need to be removed and lubed. The next thing to work on is the rear derailure, which one to use the Superbe or the Shimano600, how to attach the one I choose use a hanger bracket, or do I look for another frame in good condition that has a captive screw location on the axle dropout tab!

Spring has realllllly Sprung

Today's little cruise I saw 2 Echidnas on the sides of the Road. One even crossing the busy Clothiers Creek Road, I  waited and stood guard for traffic until it made this one made it's way to the other-side. I have been noticing Carpet Pythons but they are not yet very active, night time temps have still been in the low   teens. I also managed to ride Wattie Bishop Road at 40-43km/hr (realy good tail wind) but made up for it when I turned into the next open section with the headwind dropping me to 18km/hr.

Aside: I saw a 2008 19" Elwood SE, bought last January, on Ebay today and put a bid in but was outbid. I am pretty sure it was the Seller setting a reserve but I was not going to pay $250.00 (+) on a second hand hybrid which is a superseeded model, no warrantee and no known history. The winning bid was for $255, and I am sure it will not be ridden by the person who did win the bidding! All their Feedback Messages show they resell of most if not all of the items purchased!

I must Remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch!

Images of What Might Be - Hell's Hole Route

Just a lot of images from Google Maps to try to Find the way

[gallery columns="1" size="thumbnail" link="file"]