Saturday, 8 August 2009

Caution! and No Rally!

Drove a round trip to Grafton today over Cudgera Creek Road, or SS8? as it's called now. The surface is beginning to break down. There are lots of corners with marble size gravel loosely strewn over the still hard concrete like compacted surface.

The surface has become such that it is noticeably difficult to steer and brake. I'm sure it would  be worse on a treadly, sometime on the weekend I might see if it is the case, if the Southerly change does come through tonight as a gale like the BOM have predicted.

One thing I do know after driving through Uki and Kyogle the upgrade to Cudgera Creek Road IS because of the rally next month. The surface of the road climbing up to Sargents Rd is absolutely terrible, to the point of knocking off the tail pipe on the Matiz. I don't begrudge the locals on Cudgera Creek getting their road finally! But I do think that it shouldn't be because some private profiteering is about to take place in their area! No Rally!