Sunday, 2 December 2007

Stranger Things

Well of late I have not made many entries. So many reasons the storms mean more urgent work, the trip to Sydney to see my 89 year old mum for her birthday etc... now I find out after 50 years of living in the sun I am allergic to over exposure... Raised welts and an itch that drives you mad. So the doc says stay out of the sun for two weeks.... It looks like I am going to have to get hold of some really good lighting and then start riding at night, with some luck maybe it will just go away (i'll have to wait and see) I even thought of moving to Tassie but maybe that's a little too extreme.


Chris L said...

Ummm, moving to Tassie won't stop the sun exposure. Quite the opposite actually -- as I found out on ride from Hobart airport to the city a few years back. It's actually easier to burn down there than in Queensland.

The night riding is the best option. My new wheels have so far seen more night kilometres than day kilometres.
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fingers said...

I 'Spose your right Chris. I remember sitting in a tent in the outskirts of Launceston back in January 1975! Boy That was hot! But more so now with the no longer newsworthy "Magical Ozone Hole" of the 90's sitting over Tasmania (now it is all just about excess CO2 and rising sea levels effecting beach front housing).
Aside: I was told by one of those Geography High School teachers who loved to just show 16mm movies (no videos back then) that the future was going to be bleak with the Oil crisis of the 70's occurring and the "peak oil" point would be only years away. Strange old Mr Corah was right about a few things in hindsight.
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