Monday, 29 November 2010


Well the $500 MRI is complete. They really pump us through, 30 minutes plus one after the other. and they run it 7 days a week I was there at 8:45AM today, a Sunday. As an experience I was surprised at the noise which made it hard to catch the few ZZZZzzzz i managed! 

Now to await the Surgeon's phone call some time next week....

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Medical Intervention

Well I decided to finally pull my finger out and get the knee checked out!

Ok the Specialsts' prelim diagnosis is a Medial Cartilage Meniscus Injury, of the left knee with the X-Rays normal and showing no signs of arthritus phew!, but the proposed MRI will decide the actual treatment if any. Also the Coversyl has been fairly successful, 146/92 but the Local Quack has upped the dose to 5 mgs to try to get the BP below 140/90.  Strange thing I dont remember any impact so it must of happened when I was asleep???

I have noticed that I am now a lot less tired and don't often get a Nanna Nap in the arvo after work. And the little cough spasm is totally handlable as a side effect.

Wait and see if it starts to get worse....

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Life Slips on...

well lots has happened and continues to happen. The father-in-law, Ken, passed away a couple of weeks ago. Now at least without pain. This probably pushed me to get to see a Doctor. About my knee and my obvious high blood pressure problems. Both things I have been avoiding admitting needed any treatment. To no-ones surprise I am now a daily dose of meds man and have gone to get the manditory knee x-rays before my appointment with the orthopedic surgion at John Flynns in a cuppla weeks time.

And on the bike... well the showers and Southerlies have continued and persisted producing one of the strangest Springs ever. The tank is always full the bushfire season has been non existent it just goes on and on.... Finished the commuter challenge and have watched the changes to Sextons Hill freeway by-pass occur at a much closer perspective than the cagers as they (and me on those dr days) fume up the hill in the traffic jam.

As if that was a traffic jam. But when there are no cars effecting anybodys progress, by any mode of transport, except for this 2km it is a noticible change in conditions. More updates when I get around to It LOL